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Back to origins

Sake brewed in wooden vats is typically refined and clear-cut, while possessing a concentrated taste and naturally free flavor. Also for us it is still difficult to determine in how far that is due to the material of the wooden vats or whether other factors are responsible. Because of the dense and smooth character of the sake, even immediately after pressing one feels there is very little roughness but rather a high degree of perfection. Due to the bark of the vats, probably other reactions than fermentation take place, or other micro-organisms than the yeast become involved, which makes the sake complex and rich. In the past, the brewers must have taken these effects into account. We could feel the strong response of a top-class sake that differs from a ginjo. Confidently brewing the sake by relying on the natural working of micro-organisms without needing to do any delicate handwork, waiting quietly until the time came that the sake was ready for drinking – junmai sake made with the kimoto method and brewed in wooden vats does not have an old-fashioned or unusual taste, but the exact right taste of Daishichi. To be engaged with this sake was in itself a great joy for our brewers. We have called this sake Rakutenmei, “To take delight (raku) in the Mandate of Heaven (tenmei)” (in the meaning of: being satisfied with one’s allotted task in life).

Product Details

Rice | Yamada Nishiki / Gohyakumangoku
Rice polishing ratio | 65% superflat rice polishing
Ingredients | rice (domestic), koji (domestic rice)
Volume | 720 ml
Alcohol content | 15%

Recommended way to drink

Drink at room temperature or slightly chilled. This smoothness and density is unique to sake brewed in a wooden vat. Please enjoy the generous sake quality. For a nice mood, drink it from a masu (square box) of cedar wood.

The wonderful marriage
of sake and food

“The raison d'etre of sake is to enhance the enjoyment of food” ‒ Daishichi's kimoto-brewed sake brings to mind this simple truth. When a delicious meal is set before you, you'll think, “Junmai Kimoto would be just perfect with this!” Or as you enjoy a sip of tasty sake, you'll find that your appetite is whetted: “This deserves to go with something really sumptuous. What shall we have?” Such thoughts spring to mind naturally from the intimate relationship of sake and food.
Daishichi is beyond any concern about “a sake that doesn't interfere with the food” and “food that doesn't interfere with the sake.” There’s no need to be constrained by such thoughts. Daishichi sake heightens your enjoyment of the flavors of food, and its own flavor is also brought out by good food. Here are some examples of food pairings with Daishichi sakes based on the above observations:


Main dish

○Risotto with truffles and chestnuts
○Duck meat stew
○Round steak aburiyaki-style
○Stir-fried pepper steak (qingjiaorousi)
